Page name: To Sildea [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-04-25 05:37:02
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Nuktae-tal
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This is the records of the travels of the Ravenwood family and escort on their travels to Sildea, the Elven country of which the Lady Alehial Ravenwood originated. The union between Alehial Mornisen and Altair Ravenwood, not only brought about peace between the two kingdoms and species but also the title of Hero was bestowed upon them when they save bothed Countries seperately and the country in a united effort in the Dragon wars in which both serviced as Dragonriders for the King of Andor.

"No need... While I do not have bread I can get us meat. And vegetables and roots to eat." Lyriel said, she didn't want to risk being found out in the camp and she certainly didn't want to be in the middle of the army with arrows flying about. "Ravenwoods are born warriors and blessed by the gods. That was what Alehial told me when I was growing up. You might never know it when you are young but within everyone is the potential to be a great hero and take the ravenwood name for their own." Lyriel said with a small smile. During the little fight Lyriel had picked a few elves and orcs off with her crossbow. She could make arrows in her down time.

"Others love having the name just not the diseased part of the pedigree." he said indicating his own father. Flint chewed thoughtfully about their next move, should they just sneak into the city and help with its defense. Or perhaps it would be better to wait and join Altair and the army. Whichever they decided he would stay alongside Lyriel, they worked well as a team. "So, they are bedding down for the night, are we following suit?"

"I'll keep watch and you can rest. Then I'll take my reverie." Lyriel said with a nod of her head. She was planning on staying in the woods for the battle. She liked that better then being in the city where she was barely welcome. Other then that she didn't think she could really do anything tonight to sabotage the seige. She would have to wait until the next day. See if there was any clear indication of what was going on and break it down from the inside.

Flint settled down and waited for sleep to overtake him, glad he learned to sleep in armor. "More tahn likely Altair and the others will enter Sildea in the morning and with luck be here shortly after midday. I wonder what they have planned before that, are they even going to be able to breach the walls?" Was Galin somewhere in the forest waiting to attack those who FLint loved. Lyriel wanted him to stay away from his father, she feared him almost as much as Alehial. Altair just wanted to kill the man outright for his crimes.

Lyriel smiled softly before pulling the hood over her head a little more securely. Keeping watch was something she excelled at, since she was a druid and all. So she sat awake through the night, it was easier for her to see in the dark anyways so it was nice that through this time she was getting plenty use of that genetic trait. Not like she had too many that were helpful really.

In the morning the enemy encampment moved a little and set about getting ready to press against the walls again. It was an odd place to try breaching the living city walls, there was only streets and the market square beyond and that was saying you could breach those walls. Elves manned the walls and began to rain down arrows against the invaders, hoping to demoralize them and chase them away. It would probably be the worst day of fighting in this entire siege, and hopefully the last day. Flint began to stir and looked down at the mass of orcs and evil humans, he pulled his sword a little and repeated the Andorian warriors mantra.

The battle began, the invaders more than happy to fire arrows back and forth while some braver souls began to set a heavy leather pavillion up at the base of the wall. He looked at Lyreil trying to see if she could deduce the reason for this. "We may have to wait until the Andorian forces appear unless you think we can find some way to slip inside and help defend the city." Flint wanted to help the elves, they did not judge him by his father, just by the fact he was Alehial's nephew and fought for his family. "We might make it inside the Northeast gate, if we hurried and don't run afoul of an enemy patrol."

Lyriel had readied herslef for battle already and had her spells set but choosing which one to use was the harder part. About now she figured they wouldn't know which direction the spell came from. "We can't enter the city. They will have locked down and barred and barracaded all the doors. We'll have to do what we can and hope Altair shows up soon." Lyriel says with a small shake of her head. She had been around the elven city long enough to know how they delt with seige and many other situations that sometimes came around. After all what was being a ravenwood child even adopted if you didn't even know how to protect a city from a seige right?

Even before Flint could answer her they could see activity beneath the pavillion. A small group was moving about and quickly anyone not in that group moved away from the wall. The current of nature magic surged around Lyriel and a large swath of the city wall was reduced to ash. Elves at the top of the wall screamed as they fell and the invaders cheered and began surging forward. Defenders on the other side must have been horrified to see the wall breached in such a way.

"SHIT!" Lyriel cursed before grabbing her weapons into her hands and lunging forward. She would help even if it killed her. She would not let the elves of Sildea lose their lives to scum like these men. With the element of surprise she could hopefully take out the spellcasters, or a few of them... she hoped. Altair would get there later they just had to be able to hold on until he could arrive. Other elven cities were too far to reach in one day unless you could shift to a bird form and fly. So it was up to them to help now.

Flint pitched forward along side Lyriel, they would do what they could together even if it meant their lives. As with Conner, suddenly they were inside the city behind the lines of elves and Lucas' wife. Disorientation swept over them as even the invading orcs noticed seemingly fresh warriors in the elven lines. Shield in hand Flint moved forward dropping a vial in his wake, he had dealt with these kind before. "Find the battle chief, he is the key to turning them!" he cried looking for a group of the largest orcs.

"I will give him a treat, Flint get my back!" Lyriel said before ripping off the hat of diguise quickly and stuffing it away, In her full drow glory she would be a very tempting target, one surely the chief would want for himself. She lunged forward again and with both her blades swinging in earnest, her own poisen seeping into the flesh of those she cut at all. She knew Flint would have her back, all she needed was to cause a fuss and draw the chiefs attention.

Across the way the battle chief was quickly drawing glory to his chief, and thereby earning himself many females tonight. He and his Lieutenent noticed two targets that would increase that number. One was a drow, Lyriel Ravenwood and the other a elven female flushed from her hiding spot by fire. "Urgo, get me the light skinned elf, we'll share her while I capture the dark skinned renegade." Striding forward they broke from one another to persue their female targets.

"Come get it ugly!" Lyriel grinned wickedly, dispatching the orc she had been fighting. Putting one blade away she cast her fireblade, her mothers favorite weapon against orcs. She struck out first one slash from knees to shoulder while the other came across the belly in the opposite direction. The motion would let her spin and with her better agility and speed, she should gain a clean advantage over the orc. He was a big guy and hopefully that made him slow. But still Lyriel didn't let hope get in the way of her battle.

Thrugar, saw the flame sword and while keeping his knees away from the spell brought his double axe to parry the other blade. "Not so easy drow, tonight what is left of you will beg for my seed." His massive weight gave his next swing cause for concern even from those not fighting him. The axe twirled in his hand and he waited for an opening, his brother was almost as proficent with the axe as he was. And from his vantage the human with the shield would soon find out.

Flint hated the idea of leaving Lyriel's side, but the maiden was defenseless and the orc was closing in. The idea of letting another elf die or worse made Flint give into recklessness. Urgo raised his axe preparing to injure the girl and drag her back to the wall, "to easy he thought." Until his blade hit firmly into Flint's shield as the Ravenwood put himself between the brute and the girl. His arm lost all feeling as the shock of impact was felt deep into his boots, he only option was to thrust and hope for contact.

Luckily for Lyriel the momentum of her swing let her spin and deflect the blade. Bringing the other back in an almost backhanded manner the flame blade made light contact with the brute of an orc and Lyriel jumped back on gaurd. "What is left of you I will remove your head and put it on a pole for the carrion birds to eat. OR rot first." Lyriel sneered. She knew the other woman needed more help and she was more then profficient enough to take care of this one orc. While he was nearly twice the size of any other... and stronger then most... she could still take him she was after all smaller and more agile then any elf.

The firey hit made the orc laugh, "You'll have to do better, why not spread you legs for me and I'll grant you mercy." He pressed forward and managed to swat Lyriel with the massive side of his blade. It felt like being kicked by a horse, a massive one. This fight would last a little while and he glanced to see his brothers progress, a weak human tried to keep him from their second prize. "Your friend seems in dire straits, too bad my brother doesn't like male slaves."

Flint for his part was concerned as he parried blow after blow, his shield arm was barely getting up in time. And his shield would not survive many more hits, and then the strike hooked them together and Urgo pulled the shield from Flints arm, flinging it far into the press of bodies. Sword clanged against axe and Flint found he could go on the offensive without it. His opponent began to get frusterated and roared his displeasure at the human keeping him from his plaything. Both combatants, without saying it wondered how much more would be needed to finish the other one.

While his eyes were diverted even while she hadn't recovered her breath all the way she laid a nice long slash along the orcs thigh. Inside of his thigh, though it wasn't a crippling blow nor a strike that would sever anything important it would certainly hurt him. A lot, so she rolled beneath him to come out on the other side to recover her breath. She didn't need a whole minute and she would certainly recover hopefully before he did, then she would be at his back. This all depended on how fast he recovered from the blow she had given him though. "Spread yours" She growled out taking a deep shakey breath and letting it out.

He followed her roll and kicked with the injured leg, then bringing his axe down beside her. The horn on the wall slowed combat for a second, no one fully sure what it meant. "Surrender, maybe I'll let you keep all them pretty bits." he pulled the axe back up and swung it in a cross in front of him. The blood coming from his leg didn't bother him, it fed into his building rage and that would be the drow's undoing.

Flint was desperate and summoning the last of his strength and courage. Urgo had swung and disarmed him twice, now he was stuck dodging swipes. And now the orc raised the axe high and roared to his god and Flint saw Galin and struck. Springing against the orc, Flint grabbed it's tusks and screamed his defiance and wrenched. The quick tension surprised the hulk as his neck snapped and the axe fell to the ground.

"Rather I lost all my bits then be given to you." Lyriel says both boots coming up in a direct hit to the leather loincloth covering the ORc's really really unmentionables. IT was her last ditch effort, she could use her blades but there was no room to meneuver, she rolled back over her head backwards in a tumble and brought both swords down hoping to sever his head from his shoulders. She was surrounded by orcs and so far none had bothered her because of the chief she was fighting, that might very well change if she didn't kill the bastard first.

Another burning slash and slash to add to the mural already on him, the scream of the human broke his concentration and he saw Urgo fall. With a thunderous roar he came on not caring about injury or loss of life, the human cared for the drow and he would rob him of her. Commotion from the walls was obvious to the elves, their friends had arrived and were fighting to join them. Flint gasping on top of Urgo's corpse reached out and took up the double axe and fought to his feet. Lyriel was in a bad place and every orc took on the guise of Galin, he could not hurt her.

Lyriel was caught, in his rage and tackle. She had no time to get away and her blades while biting into his flesh she had to dispell the fire blade after also getting burnt by it. "AAHH!!" She couldn't deal with the crushing strength. She had run out of options her arms pinned, weapons gone or dropped. On top of that she had gotten hurt by her own blade. She had heard Flint scream and while she couldn't see anything all she could feel was the pain of being crushed. This was not supposed to be how things went.

Thurgar rather tahn trying to do anything else opened his jaws and moved toward Lyriel's face. His tusks would gouge out her eyes and she could even feel his orchood pressed between them. Launching with everything left in him, Flint slammed into his side before he made contact with Lyriel and they both rolled a foot away from her. The burly orc was sinking his teeth into Flint's shield arm and the young Ravenwood just took his other fist and punched the orc repeatedly. From her vantage though, Lyriel could see Thurgar pull a sharpened deer horn from his belt to stab Flint.

Lyriel wasted no time shifting to the sleek panther she lunged and dug her claw into the orcs face her teeth into his wrist and gave it all she could to rip his arm off and claw his face to ribbons. Even though she was bleeding herself, she didn't pause once in her attack. The only thoughts in her mind was to kill. Kill and protect, even as her lungs burned and her leg trembled to keep her up. Thurgar could not use his arm, and that was her goal. Her claw repeatedly scratching at his face to claw out his eyes was the other part.

Flint being a Ravenwood reached his belt and tugged his dagger free. With all his might he stabbed Thurgar in the troat, to finish this fight. To both his and Lyriels amazement the orc barbarian stood up with a panther upon his back and began trying to find his axe. His time on his feet was short lived as Flint grabbed a nearby sword and thrust it into his knee. Lyriel felt a hot rush of blood over her paws as she hit his jugular. Thurgar gurrgled a curse and toppled over in a pool of his and others blood.

Lyriel rolled on the ground and lay where she stopped. She needed to heal or be healed but it was hard to breath. She changed back and prayed there were no orcs nearby because she couldn't move anymore, thurgar had taken the last of her fight out of her, broken her ribs and hadn't gone down easily at all. She needed help and she needed it now. She usually wouldn't have had a problem with an orc but this was a chief and luck was not on her side.

Alehial had told her adoptive daughter before, using that unique skill would heal her injuries so not to use it flippiantly. Her breathing came easier now that she was in her drow form again. Flint had managed to prop himself up to look at her than thunk back down. The love he had for Lyriel made him find reserves of strength he never knew existed. All around them sounds of battle died down and then only the horns of Sildea marked the victory.

Lyriel had never experienced this before and after she finally got her breath back she slowly got to her legs and walked over to Flint. "Are you hurt bad?" She asked softly taking his arm in hers and casting a healing spell. She only had a few, having used mostly offensive spells to use for the battle. She was sore and almost everything still hurt, but she was healed and she just needed to find her sword, and keep Flint safe.

"I think...I'll live, how about you?" was his response. Flint had one a few times been this tired, during training with Altair and when he tried to run away from home and in truth was tracked down by his cousin. He took her hand and kissed it, "My thanks for the save and the healing, now let's find something that looks like weapons." He managed to sit up and look around the bodies for a sword and two for Lyriel. The courtyard they were in was covered in blood and bodies, both elven, orc, and human.

Lyriel stayed seated, everything hurt, and she was tired but she knew if she could do anything else she would help and seeing as she was fully healed she would help with all that she could. "Can you see any of the army?" Lyriel asked finding one of the enemy and rolling him over. Not an orc but one of the others. She found what she was looking for. A Sothite pin. It was hidden but seeing as for the moment she was sitting there she searched thoroughly.

"No, most of these were orcs, maybe a human or two. And everybody else went to healing or outside after the orcs. I found your sword! Mine, not so much." He brought it back to her and bent to recover the sword he stabbed Thurgar with. "How about a hot bath, a warm mug of anything and a warm blanket and maybe a bed?" It all sounded good to him, and by the looks Lyriel might be in agreement with him. Duty would call first, and his commanding officer and uncle would most likely want a report.

"I should help with the dead... we can't leave these bodies here and they will need every able bodied person. You go get those drinks though because I will need one." Lyriel said softly slwoly getting to her feet cleaning her blade and putting it in her sheath. She was glad it was all over already and she wanted to know how the family was but her duty was to the forest and those who dwelt there.

"Come on then, we report for duty, then later we'll pass into whatever in our drinks. Besides, I'm a little shocked Uncle hasn't sent someone to gather us up for our report." They than began walking back towards where command and healing areas where set up. Already so many others, even volunteers from Andor, who mostly handled the dead orcs were squaring away the bodies. No one looked twice at either one of them and finally they saw the rest of the family standing near Tani and Lucas.

Lyriel smiled tiredly, everyone was safe and they were all here. "Maybe... we can rest for a few minutes." Lyriel said softly walking over to the family, after everything they had all done all the ravenwood needed to rest. Even the twins who were currently both in the arms of their father. Tani was holding Lucas and Sirrus was looking them all over and ordering around elves and those supporting and helping those who had done battle.

Flint walked up and heard Conner discussing going back out into the woods for apparently someone left behind. "Sir, I will go with him if I could beg indulgence to get another sword and maybe a shield." He was spent, but Conner was his cousin and he wouldn't let him do this alone. Besides once Sildea was righted again they would start the trek home, and that made him wish for a hundred Thurgars. Lucas nodded to them before he took Tani to Grandmothers, probably she'd be out once she hit a pillow.

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2010-12-16 [Nuktae-tal]: Not enough... but as much as the others and not making as much

2011-01-14 [Sheamus Finn]: You mean Lyriel? right

2011-01-14 [Nuktae-tal]: Yes... I meant Lyriel lol... Sorry been mixing a lot of the girls up lately.

2011-01-21 [Sheamus Finn]: Um, Tani's turn

2011-01-27 [Sheamus Finn]: Ummm, only got part of a post there....

2011-02-07 [Nuktae-tal]: nothing is showing posted but To Sildea and Moonlight in California.

2011-02-07 [Sheamus Finn]: I clicked and checked every one.

2011-02-07 [Nuktae-tal]: they aren't showing up...

2011-02-11 [Nuktae-tal]: I hurt I'll get to this in a few more hours I think...

2011-02-11 [Sheamus Finn]: ok

2011-03-26 [Sheamus Finn]: Um, the old guy stopped Lucas from removing the hole. But, no matter.

2011-03-26 [Nuktae-tal]: Totally didn't see it at all.

2011-04-08 [Nuktae-tal]: so... nothing happening that is being left behind?

2011-04-08 [Sheamus Finn]: I think since all your characters aren't there....time to jump to FLint and Lyriel? The have been in the woods for a sex nap?

2011-04-09 [Nuktae-tal]: lol I was thinking walking more and then sex and then cuddling a little lol no napping in possibly hostile woods.

2011-04-16 [Nuktae-tal]: I was thinking it was something like, just some small time predator... a mountain cat or wolf pack or something. she's just superattuned to nature when she's out in nature.

2011-04-16 [Sheamus Finn]: I'll work something up.

2011-08-22 [Nuktae-tal]: What would be in that Direction... Lyriel would have explored the are thoroughly.

2011-08-22 [Sheamus Finn]: It's gonna be a group that is after Orissa and Samantha....But, remember for a part they succeed, so if you send them to Sildea it will work better

2011-08-23 [Nuktae-tal]: wait what now?

2011-08-23 [Sheamus Finn]: They should be going to Sildea to warn them. The break off group is after Orissa & Samantha and that is a while different fight.

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